Can you believe it!!??....


It seems like it was a lifetime ago we moved into this house
(only 5 years )
Of course you must know when i first saw this house i was blinded by what i knew it COULD look like
So blind i didn't see the metal columns, cover-all siding and destroyed detailing.
I looked right past the metal scroll hand rails and ugly closed in porches
What i saw was much prettier, I saw those porches opened up and all the detail being replaced.
I saw myself removing the Siding and uncovering the true beauty of this house.
Picking out historic period appropriate colors and bonding with my husband sitting on scaffolding.
The truth of it is this house is MY LIFE...its what I'm going to leave behind as my life's work
Its not enough to "Make it pretty again" I want it protected for years after I'm gone
(Stepping down from soapbox)
"Ahem" back to the painting (*blushes*) 

Here is a sneak peak at what we have done for the last 3 days

Our house base color is a cream

Robins egg blue and white trim
I'm still picking our my second accent color

Ive gotten so many paint samples
The man at Lowes paint department knows me by name now!

**To see more  click on  The Exterior*

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