The Maid's Chamber

The Maid's Chamber is a small room in the back of the house that has its own little staircase. When the house was built it would have been a room where house servants stayed. It had direct access to the dining room and kitchen through the back of the house.

When we moved in, it had a coat of cream on the walls and matching cream plush carpeting.  However I wanted something more period appropriate.   We ripped up the carpet and sanded down the floors. We chose to use floor paint instead of stain because it was a softer wood with wide boards.  I wanted this room to have a bright, clean and relaxing feel since it was going to be my scrap booking room, as well as an extra bedroom. The furniture set in this room is an eBay find that I painted white. This room is split into two sections. One side is my scrap booking section and the other is a bedroom.  It's small, but beautiful.

Another room done.... check!


Due to my growing scrapbook business, one wall of the room was transformed into a supply wall.
  Second Update !!!

I decieded, yet again, I need a bigger scrapbooking space.  So we have turned this room back into a bedroom.....pretty!
So I refinished the antique bedroom set and re-did the floors.
It's like a whole new room!

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